The 2023 Home Renovation Show
If you are here visiting our page because you were an attendee at the show, thanks for checking out our work. As a new exhibitor this year, Osborne Construction was privileged to meet many great homeowners with lots of project needs.
Since the show we have been experiencing a heavy volume of inquiries coming into our inbox. Please be patient with us as we return your emails during this busier than expected time. We are thrilled to know our work caught your eye.
We are slowly reaching out to the homeowners whom requested a follow up post show after discussing their project needs, as well as, returning all new email inquiries.
We will be scheduling consults as we determine project needs and schedule availability. Please hold tight as we get back to you. We are eager to work with some great clients on some wonderful projects.
In case you wonder what even an hour looks like of traffic at the show. See our video below.
It was a long but rewarding weekend!
Our show booth success couldn’t have been achieved without the help of some of our product sponsors.